Búmerkið hjá felagnum

PGs, GAGs and collagen.

Proteoglycans (PGS), Glycosaminoglycans (GAGS), and Collagen in the connective tissue of fish muscle

A Ph.d. Study

Growing awareness related to the quality of fish fillets, including soft texture and holes in the surface (gaping), has led to financial losses to the fish and fish farming industry.

It is relatively well documented that the rapid softening that follows the end of rigor mortis and gaping is to some degree related to its collagen content and the action of specific collagenase enzymes on the collagen helices contributing to an increase in its solubility. 

However, relating these quality problems of fish fillets to only a specific protein has proved to be too simplified.

Even if many universities worldwide have invested a lot of time and money in research concerning the relationship between collagen and the quality of fish fillets, only limited effort has been made to include the effect of PGs and GAGs, which interact with collagen in the extracellular matrix (ECM) of the connective tissue in fish muscle.

The primary objective of the present Ph.D. study is to investigate the content and composition of PGs and GAGs as well as the content and degradation of collagen in the connective tissue in order to determine how the interaction between PGs, GAGs and collagen in the connective tissue influence gaping and the loss of firmness of fish fillets.

The goal is to produce scientific data concerning the content and degradation of the macromolecules in the connective tissue of fish muscle as well as methods that could counteract the deterioration process.


Ása Jacobsen, M.Sc.